Friday, March 28, 2008

lisa french, is that you?

the assignment: do a parody portrait of someone on campus. I am not sure what I was thinking. I chose to make a parody of lisa french, my famous ass illustration teacher. anyway, I put her in a scene from the jackson pollock documentary . lisa does really attentive , detailed artwork, probably the closest to opposite you can get from pollock. anyway i need to revise the mouth, will do that eventually and repost. also probably going to add color.


bored in class. gic and history of ill. a lot was blind, but looked a few times, and the figure center right, but thats about it.


the assignment: Painting with early or late light. What we were supposed to learn from this is using a darker value structure.


the assignment: design a corporate identity package. i aimed mine toward my life as a sarasota artist(if i were to actually stay in this town after college, nope.) Anyway this is for my intro to graphic design class.

its fun playing gic.

just dickin around with some graphic design, it was fun, not to be taken as serious work, just casual.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


the assignment: painting of an interior. Oil paint with pallete knife only.


painting class. lido bridge in oil.


landscape from painting in oil srq skyline. oil paint.

Oil Paint

something i did over the winter break, just found it on my mac.